Time & Location
20 Mar 2024, 09:30 – 13:00
Via Zoom
About the Event
More Than Words Charity are pleased to be able to offer this Online Level 2 Makaton Workshop to parents and carers of disabled children with a communication difficulty.
This workshop is for *** KENT FAMILIES AND PROFESSIONALS ONLY *** that have already completed Level 1.
This course takes place on Wednesday 20th and Wednesday 27th March 2024, from 9.30am until aruund 13.00pm. You need to attend both dates to complete the course.
We ask for a donation of £40 per person to complete this course. Details of how to make this donation will be sent along with your confirmation email.
You will receive a manual before the first day of your course. You will then receive a certificate upon completion of the course.
Places are limited so be quick! Please complete the application form to apply for a place.
* Making a donation is not a pre-requisite of attending the course. If you are not able to afford this, please email training@morethanwordscharity.com, with your details and cases will be reviewed by our trustees and a decision made rearding payment of your place.